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Housekeeping by Design: Hotels and Labor

Housekeeping by Design: Hotels and Labor


Housekeeping by Design: Hotels and Labor

28,89 €

inkl. gesetzlicher MwSt.
+ ggf. VersandZuletzt aktualisiert am: 27. Juli 2024 03:42


One of the great pleasures of staying in a hotel is spending time in a spotless, neat, and organized space that you don t
have to clean. That doesn t, however, mean the work disappears when we re not looking, someone else is doing it.

With „Housekeeping by Design,“ David Brody introduces us to those people the housekeepers whose labor keeps the rooms
clean and the guests happy. Through unprecedented access to staff at several hotels, Brody shows us just how much work
goes on behind the scenes and how much management goes out of its way to make sure that labor stays hidden.

We see the incredible amount of hard physical work that is involved in cleaning and preparing a room,
how spaces, furniture, and other objects are designed to facilitate a smooth flow of hidden labor,
and, crucially, how that design could be improved for workers and management alike if front-line staff were
involved in the design process.

After reading this fascinating expose of the ways hotels work or „don t“ for housekeepers one
thing is certain: checking in will never be the same again.“

28,89 €

inkl. gesetzlicher MwSt.
+ ggf. VersandZuletzt aktualisiert am: 27. Juli 2024 03:42

28,89 €

inkl. gesetzlicher MwSt.
+ ggf. VersandZuletzt aktualisiert am: 27. Juli 2024 03:42

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